Friday, January 9, 2009

Oh my.. It's been awhile!

As I sit here and listen to the radio- Staind's song "Its been awhile" is playing on the radio, so I figuered it was time I got back to this blogging thing. I could come up with a number of reasons I haven't been out here, but I will just leave it at "I'm just lazy!"

So, with the New Year, I decided it was time to get back! My kids keep me extremely busy, but I still need "me" time and I decided, I would spend some of it out here in blogger world....

With that, I'll leave you wondering what wonderful things I have to say about this new year......


Big Hair Envy said...

Welcome back Lazy Chick! I know you've just been sitting at home eating bon-bons!

Did you save any for ME???

I kid you NOT - Word Verification: "boness" YOU are the BONESS of bon-bons!! Bwahahaha!

I Am Woody said...

I'm looking forward to some revealing tales!!