Thursday, August 27, 2009

Vanity Plates

Not sure I will be playing any road rage games with this one :)

How's that for a vanity plate Mama?
P.S. This picture was emailed to me and I have no idea where this picture came from so I can give no credit.


Mental P Mama said...

Pretty darn good my friend. Pretty darn good!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

At least there is a warning! Funny! said...

Oh, I could SO put it to use!

Busy Bee Suz said...

STAY BACK AT LEAST 3 car lenghts!!!

Unknown said...

My Dad could have used that vanity plate...he had a wife and four daughters!!!

I Am Woody said...

That plate is awesome!!

Unknown said...

My good friend in AZ sent me the same email. I'm glad I don't live in Oregon!

abb said...

DAMN! And it's not even from Virginia!

Daryl said...

THIS is the best .. Husband was passing by my desk, saw this over my shoulder and said 'is that Lauren's blog?'

Ann Marie said...

Ohhhh i think i want that one... my family would probably agree!

Caution/Lisa said...

Don't even think of parking near that car. Oh, I would love to be so honest.