Friday, May 15, 2009


So Mom x 2 has been MIA for the last few... uh weeks?? Wow where has the time gone? I'm sorry to all my bloggy friends. I hope you haven't abandoned me all together ;)

My computer crashed, no thanks to the trojan virus I had! I was not a happy camper and they were unable to save it soooooo hubby bought me a new one :) Isn't he the best.

There have been tons of other things going on, although at the moment I can't name a single one.

I'm hopefully back now and will do my very best to get back into the swing of things.


Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Damn virus'! Glad you are back on the scene girlie. I sure have missed you! Was ready to put you on the "Bloggers Most Wanted" list!

Mental P Mama said...

I hate those stinky viruses. Or is it virii? Anyway, welcome back;) said...

Yeaaaaaa! It's OK! We can call off the possy that's looking for you! YOU'RE FOUND!

Busy Bee Suz said...

At least now we know you have not been deported.
Take care, Suz

Big Hair Envy said...

I thought Trojans, never mind.

Welcome back!!! As always, it was great to see you guys Saturday!!!

Keeper Of All Things said...

I'm still glad to have you back!!!