Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I wish....

I wish I had something amazingly funny to tell you, but I don't.

I wish my husband was home from being with his father who just had surgery to remove a football size cancerous tumor from his leg.

I wish my father-in-law never had a football size cancerous tumor, or any tumor for that matter.

I wish I would have eaten my children when they were little (hahahaah just kidding)

I wish I lived somewhere where the temperature is always 75 degrees and the sun always shines and there was no humidity.

I wish I could talk to the bird on my windowsill and he would understand me (and the girl that sits outside my office didn't think I was crazy or weird for talking birdspeak).

I wish it were Saturday and I was at BHE's house with something cold and fruity in my hand.

I wish my friend would ditch cleaning her house tomorrow and come see Jason Aldean with me.

I wish I had a job that didn't actually require me to work. Maybe I should have applied for the Best Job in the World.

I wish I weighed now, what I weighed when I got married, but didn't have to diet or excise to weigh that.

Do any of you have any wishes?


Big Hair Envy said...

Bwahahahaha!! It always goes back to you eating your young, doesn't it??!!!!!!!!!!

Can't WAIT for this weekend!!! The blender is anxious to get going;) BTW - Cheerleader Girl is welcome...SW & a couple of others will be there Saturday...

I Am Woody said...

I want to have something cold and fruity in my hand this weekend too!! Can I tag along?

Unknown said...

Maybe I'll tag along too.

so sorry about your FIL, and that bird? He's a spy.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I wish your FIL was no dealing with a tumor either.
I wish I was the weight I was when I was working out and enjoyed it!!!
I wish also for world peace.
take care, suz

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Well I am definitely tagging along! So there!