Monday, March 23, 2009

Pretty girls

Aren't they pretty....
This is Cheerleader Girl and most of her best friends(sorry you couldn't make it SW) at her cook out on Sunday for her Birthday. (She is the 5th from the left).

I am so very fortunate that she chooses good girls to be her friends. This group of girls have been friends since the 6th grade (they're juniors now) and they are just a good group of girls..... Oh they have their "girl fights" but they always seem to come back to the thick of things.

Our house has always had an open door policy.... if it's unlocked, come on in. I'm sure gonna miss having them around when they run away to college. Hmmmm, I wonder if Cheerleader Girl will notice if I just camp out on her dorm room floor? You think so? yea me too- damn ;-)


Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Very pretty young ladies!
Where does the time go??
Do I need to get you a camouflaged sleeping bag? Looks like Cheerleader Girl is not the only one going off to college!

I Am Woody said...

I don't know - my dorm room was always so messy that someone could've lived there and I never would have known;)

Unknown said...

What a great looking bunch of girls! They grow up so fast, don't they?

Busy Bee Suz said...

They are all gorgeous. IS it the water in your area?? Send ME some please.
And I thought you were coming here on Sunday...hmmmmm, I see someone is not telling me the truth. The blog does not lie. ;0
Glad she had a nice time and a nice group of friends.
I am going to college with my girls. They won't notice. I am sure of it.

Mental P Mama said...

Oh no! I am going to college with The Bird this year. She'll get over it. You should start getting her used to it now;)

Big Hair Envy said...

Look at all of those beautiful girls!!! They certainly have aged well, haven't they??? Heehee!

I'm just catching up on your posts.....LOVE the baby photo of CG, and WE HAD SO MUCH FUN COOKING OUT AT YOUR PLACE!!!!

Can't wait for Saturday to arrive...

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

Awww Happy Belated Birthday CG! She is ADORABLE, as are her friends!

I love that you and BHE hang out! I want to come, I want to come, I want to come!

Keeper Of All Things said...

I've always said I'd rather have 15 kids at my house then 1 of mine at theirs.