Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh Lordy

It's Monday. Blah! But the good news is only 5 more days till I go on vacation :)

But this week I have to.....

Finish Laundry - ahahahahah that's the funniest thing I've ever said. Finish laundry. Does anyone ever finish laundry?
Clean my house- again! Even though I JUST cleaned it, it will be amazingly dirty before we go, and I hate to come home to a dirty house.
Pack- clothes, food, towels, sunscreen, movies, books, Grey Goose, coolers....... I'm sure there are a hundred other things I should remember. Perhaps I'll make a list.
Stop the mail- even though it takes the mail person (I've never actually seen them so I don't know if it's a man or a woman- don't ask me how that is possible, I am not sure, as I've lived in my house for 6 years) forever to actually deliver the mail we received while we were gone.
Make sure there is plenty of kitty food and kitty litter- Lord knows you wouldn't want to starve the poor thing.
Make sure the world will not stop at work while I am away- Yes, I am fairly scared confident this is not a possiblity.

What things do you do to get ready for vacation?


I Am Woody said...

I keep a bag packed, just in case!!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

The List~ I am too brain dead these days to do anything without a list~ Do you think it may have something to do with trying to remember everybody elses shit?

And do you detect any jealousy here?? I thought so!

The Salesman said...

Don't forget the most important thing of all.


Unknown said...

I have a carry one with two days worth of clothes and toiletries (also an umbrella, sweatshirt and shoes) already packed. I also never overpack stuff because I like to buy clothes on vacation.

I never notify the post office, I ask someone to pick up my mail...long story.

Unknown said...

carry on...not carry one

Busy Bee Suz said...

I gave up on my mailman holding the mail...they sometimes forget so I just have my neighbor get it for me.

Yes, make sure the cats have enough food/water and the litter boxes are clean.
THe laundry is NEVER done..why is that????
Make a list and have a box out so when you think of something to bring you can just throw it in....

good luck,

Big Hair Envy said...

As the self-proclaimed Queen of Lists, I command you to get one made...STAT!!! Oh, and DON'T forget The Salesman!!! Bwahahaha!

My 3 Monkeys post is up...:)

Mental P Mama said...

Your gonna need a vacation after all that!