Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I got nothin'

Been crazy busy with school starting, The Salseman out of town, college stuff, senior stuff, cheerleading stuff, new driver stuff and now wrestling practices- already. It all seems too much to think about let alone write about.... I'm still around, and I'll be back when the world stops spinning at mach speeds and only spins at a speed equivelant to reckless driving.


Daryl said...

We'll be waiting!

Mental P Mama said...

gah. I know that feeling. And I miss it;) Hugs to Salesman....

Busy Bee Suz said...

It is pretty back when you are looing forward to reckless driving. ;)

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Funny Girl! Been missing you. But I totally understand. Do what you have too...we'll all be here.

HalfAsstic.com said...

Well, try to catch a breath in there somewhere, honey! Just remember, BREATHE!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to have you back!! Hang in there kiddo!

Ann Marie said...

boy do I ever know how you feel....

big hair envy said...

Dinner? My place? Soon?

Audrey at Barking Mad! said...

It's funny that you mention the world spinning,'cause I was watching this show about it just last night.. Did you know that if it all of a sudden stopped spinning, we'd pretty much die instantly from the 1000mph winds that would happen.

Not that I meant to leave a comment on a pessimistic note,but it gives me something to think about every time I say I want the world to spin, because really? Now after watching that? Not so much!

And yeah, I'm right there with ya..

abb said...

I call it blog blockage. As my sister told me, it's better to have that than some other kinds of blockages.