Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tomorrow is the day!

I have been so looking forward to this beach trip with CG, Snow White and Mom :) I can not tell you how excited I am. And the best part (other than spending time with 3 of my most favorite people)


Not on the beach with me of course, unless I can somehow kidnap him and hold him hostage while we sip pina colodas talk his manager and body guards into letting him hang out with us. I mean who wouldn't want to do that, right? But we will definitely see him in our dreams handcuffed to a beach chair with a smile on his face as he realizes he is with 4 of the most amazing females on the East Coast in concert!

I. Can. Not. Wait!!!!

Photo borrowed from my dreams http://www.ramblestrip.com/kennychesney.jpg

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Bud!

My youngest turns 16 today. It is hard for me to believe that my children are growing up so fast! I wish there was a way to slow down the process, at least on most days. It just amazes me how quickly they grow up..... Bud has made the biggest changes over the last 12 months.....

This is him with his sister last year in Hawaii just shortly after his 15th birthday.
Yes, I promise he was 15 in this picture.

This was taken yesterday after celebrating his 16th birthday.
Yes, I also promise it is the same kid. Pretty unbelievable.
I am so proud of the young man he has become.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Friday Everyone!!!

and Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there :)

photo borrowed from http://media.photobucket.com/image/tgif/pamipj/tgif.jpg

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

LG U.S. National Texting Championship.

Did you ever hear of such a thing?

Apparently the 15 year old girl sends 14,000 texts a month! WTF?!? She beat out 20 other finalists which were selected from over 250,000 who attempted to participate.
The best part (for her and her family)?
She won $50,000!!
Hmph- I thought CG's 4000 a month was bad! I don't suppose I should let her or Bud see this article. The texting will never stop!
IMO, 14,00 tms a month is INSANE! TTYL ROFL!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Raffle :)

Hallie over at Wonderful World of Weiners is having a raffle for a great cause.

Looks like there are a ton of great prizes....... You might want to enter :)

Click here for details. Below is her comment left on a previous post.

I was wondering if you might be willing to mention my raffle/fundraiser. I would NOT ask if it wasn't for a great cause. Plus, there are over 90 donated prizes to win totaling over $3000.00! And who doesn't like to win??It's really a win-win for everyone. People get to help me meet my fundraising goal AND potentionally win big.PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE clickover and enter my raffle!! You can truly win TONS OF PRIZES (totaling over $3000.00 - gift cards, Starbucks coffee maker, $600 in camping equipment, gorgeous jewelry and more).
It's for a great cause….http://www.firstgiving.com/hallietwomey

6 years ago my Dad received a new heart.
This is my way of giving back.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hubby home from visiting his parents in Indiana - CHECK

House cleaned sort of - CHECK

Hardwood floors scrubbed - CHECK

Grass Mowed - CHECK (thanks Bud- you're a good son)

Kitchen Cabinets cleaned out - CHECK!!!!!! Thanks Mom :)

Pool Time - CHECK

Laundry Done - CHECK

Finally watched Slum Dog Millionaire - CHECK Great movie by the way :)

Happy Monday everyone!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Fragments

I wish I could find the link for Friday Fragments......

The Salesman is out of town this weekend, and I thought I would work on getting some stuff done around the house. As if we haven't already been doing that for the last hundred weekends. But Mom is coming over to help organize kitchen cabinets.... she should have been a professional organizer. It's something she loves, why I'll never know, but she does. So, because she does, she wants to help.

My kids are officially out of school today. Cheerleader Girl will be a Senior next year and Bud a Junior... not sure I am ready for that.

I love summer. Warm weather makes me happy. I should move to Florida where it is warm all the time, but I don't like hurricanes.

I am only 1 week and 6 days away from the Kenny Chesney concert. Have you noticed I really am obsessed with love Kenny?

I have trouble making up my mind about my layout for my blog. Duh, that explains why it has changed 3 times in as many days.

I like the layout I have now, I think I'll keep it.

We're trying to selling our boat. I am not sure if I am happy or sad about that.

I wish I hadn't asked Mom to come over tomorrow to help with cabinets. I would really love to spend the day being lazy at the pool.

Any big plans for you this weekend? Want to come help with the cabinets?

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Summertime is finally here
That old ballpark, man, is back in gear
Out on 49
Man I can see the lights
School's out and the nights roll in
Man, just like a long lost friend
You ain't seen in a while
And can't help but smile

And it's two bare feet on the dashboard
Young love and an old Ford
Cheap shades and a tattoo
And a Yoo-Hoo bottle on the floorboard
Perfect song on the radio
Sing along 'cause it's one we know
It's a smile, it's a kiss
It's a sip of wine, it's summertime
Sweet summertime

Summertime, by Kenny Chesney

Monday, June 8, 2009

Repurposing rooms

This past weekend, the Salesman and I decided that it was time to repurpose a couple rooms in our house. We have a 3 story house, with the 3rd floor being the room that the kids can go and hang out with their friends, it's where we pretended to exercise worked out, where we used to have 2 computers (with laptops, there was no need for a space for computers) and where all of the school supplies, games, etc were stored. In other words, a big junk room.

Then there is the second junk room spare bedroom. No one visits, so it has become a drop off room. The room where everything everyone is to lazy to take to the big junk room 3rd floor.

So we decided this weekend to repurpose those two rooms. The Salesman says he had the idea 2 years ago and I shot it down, I disagree. Anyway, we decided to start Friday night by cleaning out the spare bedroom and moving everything out so we would have somewhere to put the weight machine. Did I mention the weight machine has 200 pounds of weight and who knows how many cables and pulleys? Well, it does, and it was a pain in the a$$ to put it together when we bought it, why we thought it would be a simple task to take it apart and then put it BACK together is beyond me. So with the spare bedroom cleaned out, we started labeling cables and pulleys and more cables and more pulleys. I thought we would never finish. Then it was time to take it apart and haul it downstairs (thank goodness it was down not up). Then it was time to put it back together. Okay, you would think that after the time we spent labeling pulleys and cables, putting it together would be a breeze right? WRONG! It took FOREVER! Finally after 2 days we finished everything- including cleaning out the trash pile crazy corner on the 3rd floor. Talk about a job, but what a transformation!

It is amazing to me how a major overhaul little cleaning and moving of furniture can completely change an entire living space.

Below are the pictures of the before(left) and after (right).

Now I just have to find the energy to actually exercise!

Bittersweet endings

After 6 years of All Star Cheerleading, Cheerleader Girl and I found out today that her all star gym will no longer offer a senior team. Due to lower sign ups this past year, partly because of the current state of our economy I am sure, the owner/director felt it was in the best interest to combine the junior and senior teams. What this means to us is there is no team for which CG meets the age requirements. As a result, there will be no more all star cheering for her. In the long run, this will be a good thing for our family, since cheerleading is an expensive and extremely time consuming sport. However, it was quite a shock to get the news. It would have been CG’s last year of all star cheerleading, and to be informed that LAST year was the end of the road, is disappointing. Had we known that her last competition would have been the end, we would have celebrated it as, the end. As it turned out it was more like “Good Job girls, see you next year.” Now, there will be nothing. Sure there are other gyms in the area, but when you have been with the same program for 6 years, it just wouldn’t be the same. The positive spin on it, is that she will be able to start her senior year with one less burden. She will still cheer for her high school for both competition and for sideline, but will have much more time on her hands, and we will have much more money in our pockets. I will miss those cheer weekends, where it was just she and I together at competitions, but I am glad we had the times together.

As time passes on, I realize this is only the first of many “endings” to come.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summer's starting......

School is coming to a close next week for Bud and Cheerleader Girl and I am actually really excited. I love the fact that my children are old enough to clean the house and do laundry and mow grass and what ever other fun things chores I can come up with for them to do through out the day.

They will both be working this summer which is a new for us. Last year CG worked babysitting, but Bud was lazy busy doing nothing but hanging out. This year, not so much. CG’s working at an ice cream shop, which she loves, but the hours are never consistent, and Bud is chillin’ working at the pool. It will be hard to keep up with them, but somehow we will manage.

The one disappointment I do have about them being partially gainfully employed is that their schedules will probably never be the same so it will be impossible really difficult to do things as a family. Especially Bud, who will most likely work every weekend. We have always enjoyed being able to go boating on the weekends, or head off to the beach for a weekend getaway. This year that probably won’t be possible. And most definitely a family vacation will be out of the question. Bud is already taking a week to go to wrestling camp, and CG a week to go to a leadership conference (both with out the parents of course) not to mention that cheer stuff starts 24/7 for CG the second week of August. We will manage, I suppose with a few days here or there, or a spontaneous "OMG you don’t have to work today, let’s go do something." I’m actually thinking of starting a list of “Things To Do This Summer” and when the time arises, just go do them. This list looks something like this:

  1. KENNY CHESNEY and 3 days at the beach with CG and Snow White.
  2. Throwdown at BHE’s to celebrate whatever.
  3. Turn 40 (guess that one’s going to happen whether anyone is working or not)
  4. BlogFest at CBW’s

    Any other suggestions?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Prom 2009

"I'm not sure where the time goes, but it sure goes fast......"

Cheerleader Girl's Junior Prom was this past weekend, and she looked so amazing. It was a really bittersweet thing to see her so dressed up and so grown up.

This is her and Soccer Boy. They looked so amazing.

But this better describes their personalities. Silly and ridiculous :)
They had just a few people in their group...

They grow up so fast..... if I could just freeze this moment in time .......